Sunday, September 03, 2006


Intolerant Christian (continued #2)

Disturbingly, there have been many Christians over the past two millennia who have through their ignorance, embraced intolerance, fear and hatred. Individuals who have committed unspeakably evil acts, all in the mistaken belief that they have a special provenance to fulfill, and those who have attained positions of power and influence within Christendom have inspired millions of people who have willingly followed the their lead, and committed equally evil deeds in their name. These are people who have embraced with a certainty that some find difficult to understand, that only they know the Truth, and that they were chosen to fulfill God’s mission on earth. And since this is the case, almost any act they or their followers commit in the name of God, has God’s sanction. American politics and government have been overtaken in the past decade by these Intolerant Christians. The United States today is the one country in the world with the wealth, power and the political culture that could make a real difference toward a gradual improvement in the human condition worldwide. But a theocratic America that embraces a fundamentalist religious theology also has the wealth and power to attempt to impose this vision on others. Most of the world will resist. Violently.

The evangelical and fundamentalist movements of modern day America envision using the power of the American government to spread their message of faith by using the message of democracy, in order to transform not only America but eventually the entirety of humanity. It is a misguided use of faith and religion. Rather than bring people together in an acceptance of a loving a peaceful Christ, the leaders of this movement are attempting to use their newfound political power to impose their view of Christianity on the American public, and the world. They are also attempting to suppress any of the ideas and attitudes of people that do not support their vision. In their view it is essential to repress those who do not agree with them so that they can build a “kingdom” on earth that will welcome the return of Christ. For many, Christ will not return until this is accomplished.

America was founded on a profound belief the inherent worth of each individual. And, with the adoption of our constitution, our system was enshrined with a conviction that all “men” are entitled to live a dignified life. The Judeo-Christian tradition was also an essential element in the development of an American socio-political culture that made this possible, as were the ideals of the Enlightenment. A Christian theology that encouraged the belief in the ultimate value of each human life was a necessary component to this cultural evolution. This Christian acceptance of the inherent value of each individual had earlier contributed to the intellectual transformation of European culture that began in earnest during the Late Middle Ages. With the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution and the ultimately the Enlightenment, the essential elements needed for the development of a progressive Western society were established. This political and cultural transformation of Western Civilization culminated in the American and French Revolutions, and modern liberal civilization was born. But, in order to move beyond the ignorance, fear and hatred that religion can also inspire it was also necessary that Western society break away from the tradition of religious fundamentalism and religious intolerance. This was partially accomplished during the enlightened era of 18th and 19th century Europe and America, when so many great men and women built upon the contributions of earlier humanist philosophers and created democratic political systems that could, for the first time in the history of humanity, embrace fully the human right of all people to engage in the pursuit of happiness.

Given the tenor of the times today, one has to wonder if this belief in the dignity of each individual will continue to prevail. Conservative Americans loudly proclaim that liberal Americans pose a threat to the very nature of American society. Just as loudly they claim that liberals hate America. Liberals do not hate America, but many liberals do hate what people in power often do and have done, in the name of America and Americans. Liberals are also capable of looking critically at American history, while conservatives denounce this critical analysis as un-American. Intolerant American Christians cannot, or refuse, to see the ugly side of the American experience. This refusal to admit mistakes is particularly relevant today when one considers the level of corruption, and the willingness of so many supposed Christians to lie, cheat and steal their way to the top, and to do anything to stay there. The gravest threat to America does come from within, but it is not from liberals who value the inherent self-worth of all people, but rather from intolerant religious conservatives who believe their path is the only one which all of humanity must follow. It was Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s who posed a real threat to political freedom in America, and not the few communists he saw in the shadows. Just as too many in the conservative fundamentalist evangelical communities see enemies everywhere today, in one sense they are correct. We are faced with a grave danger to our way of life, but it comes from within.. When you perceive someone as an enemy and treat them as such, it is likely that they will become your enemy. This is why liberals and progressives in America are finally beginning to speak up in a way that just a few years ago many would have hesitated to do. Truly liberal and progressive Americans see the real threat to freedom in America, and we know in what direction to look for it. Of course fundamentalist religion is not the only problem. But what fundamentalist Christians are willing to do in the name of religion is a serious dilemma. The true Christian message that many believe in is a magnificently beautiful one. How can one get better than to say “love thy neighbor as thyself” or to insist that “the meek shall inherit the earth” and that one should “turn the other cheek” when threatened with violence or to declare yes, “I am my brother’s keeper.” However, too often, what is truly special about Christianity is too often brushed aside by those who insist that the most important message is that “everyone must eventually accept Jesus Christ as their savior,” or be condemned to the fires of hell.

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