Wednesday, June 14, 2006


The Moron In Chief

Okay, I'll admit I may not be the most articulate person in the world but every time Bush speaks at a press conference where he doesn't have a complete script in front of him, his inability to put two coherent thoughts together is painful to watch. I'm embarrassed for America as a nation. How can he possibly not go down as the greatest presidential failure ever. If the Iraq mess does not get better soon I'm almost certain that his legacy will be one of failure. Even if the Iraq situation miraculously improves he has done so many things so wrong, and has lied about what he has done so often, that historians will most certainly be more critical than the mainstream media is willing to be now.

It never ceases to amaze me how accepting the media is of his repetitive bullshit and how so many of them actually seem to admire the guy. They are followers and probably always have been. I realize they have to temper their criticism to some extent or what they write would never get by their corporate controlled editorial process, but can't they be creative enough to somehow express their disdain for his frat boy antics and attitude. His lack of maturity and insensitivity is referred to as playful banter rather than disrespectful intimidation that he obviously intends it to be. I can't even begin to remember how often I've heard him described as basically a nice guy and of course he's the kind of guy that most Americans would want to "have a beer with". Guess I'm just never going to understand the "cool kids crowd" because I find the guy disgusting, and an embarrassment to history majors everywhere.

But of course he's a good Christian. Speaking of religious developments Condi Rice appeared in front of the SBC today a bragged that when she completed her term as Secretary of State, it will have been 12 years since a white male has held that position. I'm sure the progressives at the SBC found that bit of news heartening. The media speculation about her as a presidential contender is also rather amusing. Although this may sound rather harsh, but to believe that the
conservative white population of this country would support a never married, black woman for president is rediculous at best.

Speaking of the SBC, they have decided to not totally abandon the public school system but instead they will try to take on a more active role by getting elected to local school boards.

Oh joy joy! I can see it now their first item on the agenda will be weekly book burnings at the public square. Of course this is just a continuation of their overall strategy of bringing religion back into the schools so they can prevent public school teachers from teaching the evil secular theology of evolution and prohibit the teaching of tolerance for the "homosexual lifestyle". Once they've accomplished these all important goals they'll get around to whether theirs any actual "readin', writin' and rithmetic goin on".

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