Thursday, June 15, 2006


Lying Liars

"....all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Revelations 21:8

If you would ask the average Christian if its important to always tell the truth, of course they would say yes. If you asked whether it is ever okay to tell a lie they might struggle to answer, but ultimately they would say that it is sometimes a necessity to at least stretch the truth a little. It is this kind of rationalization that must go through the mind of the rethuglicans on a daily basis since they are constantly telling blatant lies about soo many things. They must justify this reliance on avoiding the truth as a deliberate part of their electoral strategy by resorting once again to the same ol' "ends justifies the means" argument. Since they know whats best for American and since liberals are a threat to the continuing existence of the American way of life, then anything and everything must be done to prevent liberals from ever again becoming a political force in America.

We all know the big lies........the ones that got us into an unecessary war. And now these lies have led to more lies, just as lying always does. The Bush administration and the Rubber Stamp congress remind me of a cousin of mine, who as a teenager had become such a big liar that no one ever really paid any attention to what he would say. Why should any logical and thinking being believe anything they say, well according to the mainstream media interpretation its because they really are good leaders who are really trying to do the best that they can. And besides, they're all good Christians so how could they be lying about so many things. To call them on all of these lies the media would first have to admit their complicity in spreading and legitimizing this bullshit.

Further proof of their devotion to the prinicples of Christianity can be seen by going to Crooks and Liars and watching the video of Colbert interviewing a congressman and asking him to recite the 10 Commandments........even I could do better than 3.

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